One Month ($600)
You will study tuina by following a TCM doctor in a busy clinic. You will learn basic techniques, & lots of practice on other students & actual clients.
Two Month ($1200)
More practice on clients with common aliments that tuina can treat. By the end of 2 months practice, You will gain more knowledge & confident on treating many common conditions with tuina techniques.
Dr. Dong's Acupuncture & Tuina Clinic (东医针灸推拿诊所)
Liyuan Condo #101, Jingtai Rd, Haicheng, Beihai, Guangxi, China (广西北海海城京泰路丽苑公寓101)
Phone: 011-86-13025991107(中文) 1-416-939-8888(English)
Yufei Business Hotel, Guangdong Rd, Haicheng, Beihai, Guangxi, China (广西北海海城区广东路宇飞宾馆)
Course starts every month, registered online or email for more informations.